Tuesday, December 9, 2008

how to spend time during layover at the lax airport

I carry an iPod with me and load movies on there. Passes the time like nothing else. LAX is a very interesting airport. There is lots and lots of eye candy flying in and out of there for any gender and orientation of the flyer.People watching has always been my most favorite way to pass the time during a layover.
I missed my connecting flight at LAX and had to wait there for 12 hours, all because my first flight was late. I don't know how I got through the wait. I must have gone insane. I used internet, I walked around, I had lunch, I went to the bar. Then I saw these girl from England and I watched them for a while.Advice: get out of the airport if you can


  1. Next time anyone have to layover at LAX for longer than 2 hours call 310 216-7999, pick up and drop off service available without charge. The place called Leelavadee, Thai Wellness Center is less than a mile north of the airport. there are treatments for your health such as massge treatments, facial treatments, body treatments, shower room, meditation room, tea room with unlimited hot tea from Thailand, China, Japan, India.
    310 216-7999 or www.laxdayspa.com

  2. Don't be bored at LAX, call 310 216-7999.
